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Create a transparent environment between you and your fleet

AI Camera

Our AI Cameras can help you save money, resources and fleet delivery time.

AI (artificial intelligence) Cameras in fleet management allows managers to keep track of and monitor any incidents, driving behaviours and road conditions continuously. Footage of your fleet is recorded by the AI camera in your vehicles, then analysed by its software to detect any information that should be of your concern. You will get notified when immediate attention is needed whilst also having complete access to all other footage whenever you require. 

When using AI Cameras for your fleet management, you are able to create a transparent environment between you and your fleet that will lessen the occurrence of incidents. By implementing the use of our AI cameras, your fleet performance will be enhanced as you can coach drivers with real examples, encourage positive driving habits, reduce the rate of fleet crashes and ultimately keep drivers safe.

Scania Truck
WSC GPS Tracking Truck

AI Cameras collect a large range of informative data such as runtime data, maintenance data, fuel usage, location data, driver hours, dangerous & distracted event data, fatigue data, vehicle and asset utilisation data and more. 

By keeping track of this data throughout your fleet, drivers both fleet wide and individually can be alerted about dangerous actions or situations both internally and externally, preventing a potential incident. 

Weather and road conditions can also be identified by AI Cameras, identifying possible safety risks on the road, and can help to provide alternate routes to avoid unsafe road conditions or excessive traffic.

Our AI Cameras can help you save money, resources and fleet delivery time.

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At Netcorp GPS, we are happy to offer you a demonstration of our products and showcase our solutions.

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