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Driver Fatigue Management

Driver fatigue management is a critical aspect of road safety and transportation management. Fatigue among drivers can impair cognitive and physical abilities, leading to an increased risk of accidents. To address this issue, various strategies and technologies are employed to manage and mitigate driver fatigue.

Netcorp’s Commitment to Heavy Vehicle Driver Safety and Fatigue Management

In 2023, Netcorp made our dedication very clear to the heavy vehicle and concrete industry by comitting to the purchase of our very own brand new Kenworth T360 from Suttons Arncliffe in Sydney, Australia.

We believe that a provider cannot research and innovate without tackling the real life challenges that drivers and operators face. By having our own full time driver, vehicle and development team who test and challenge our solutions for stability, reliability and real world results, you as a customer will end up with the best product. 

Hours of Service (HOS) Monitoring

Electronic logging devices (ELDs) or similar systems are used to monitor and record a driver’s hours of service. These devices automatically track driving time, breaks, and rest periods, helping ensure compliance with regulations.

Netcorp’s proprietary Driver App which is installed as part of our Heavy Vehicle Solution, monitors and manages driver’s work and rest time in ‘real time’ offering companies who operate a heavy vehicle fleet, complete transparency on how drivers are managing their fatigue and can identify a any potential current or upcoming fatigue breach situations.

Overall, effective driver fatigue management involves a combination of regulatory compliance, education, technology, and a proactive approach to create a safe and healthy work environment for drivers. It is crucial for enhancing road safety and reducing the risk of accidents associated with fatigue.

Many jurisdictions have regulations and guidelines that limit the number of consecutive hours a driver can be on duty and mandate rest breaks. Compliance with these regulations is a fundamental aspect of managing driver fatigue.

Electronic logging devices (ELDs) or similar systems are used to monitor and record a driver’s hours of service. These devices automatically track driving time, breaks, and rest periods, helping ensure compliance with regulations

Companies may implement comprehensive fatigue risk management programs that include education, training, and policies aimed at preventing and managing driver fatigue. These programs often focus on promoting healthy sleep habits and lifestyle choices

Training programs can educate drivers about the dangers of fatigue and provide strategies to recognize and combat it. This includes information on the importance of sufficient sleep, recognizing signs of fatigue, and the potential consequences of driving while tired

Advanced technologies, such as fatigue monitoring systems, use sensors and cameras to analyze driver behavior and detect signs of drowsiness or distraction. These systems can trigger alerts or warnings to prompt the driver to take a break

In-cab alert systems provide real-time feedback to drivers about their fatigue level. These alerts can include audible warnings, seat vibrations, or visual indicators, encouraging the driver to take a break or rest if needed

Some systems utilize biometric data, such as heart rate or eyelid movements, to assess a driver’s fatigue level. When the system detects signs of fatigue, it can trigger alerts to prompt the driver to rest

Telematics systems can integrate with fatigue management tools to provide a comprehensive view of a driver’s activities, including driving patterns, breaks, and overall work hours. This data helps in identifying potential fatigue-related risks

Some advanced systems use predictive analytics to assess the likelihood of a driver becoming fatigued based on various factors, including time of day, driving patterns, and rest history. This allows for proactive measures to prevent fatigue-related incidents

Encouraging drivers to plan routes that include designated rest areas and facilities is important for fatigue management. Having convenient locations for breaks helps drivers adhere to recommended rest periods

Fatigue management is often most effective when there is collaboration between drivers, fleet managers, and other stakeholders. Open communication and a supportive organizational culture contribute to the success of fatigue management efforts

Heavy Vehicle Regulatory Compliance

Many jurisdictions around the world have regulations and guidelines that limit the number of consecutive hours a driver can be on duty and mandate rest breaks. Compliance with these regulations is a fundamental aspect of managing driver fatigue.

In Australia, National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) administers one set of laws for heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass. This set of laws consists of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL)* and five sets of regulations.

The HVNL commenced on 10 February 2014 in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. Each of them passed a law that either adopts or duplicates the HVNL (with some modifications) as a law of that state or territory.

Although the HVNL has not commenced in Western Australia or the Northern Territory at this time, the HVNL applies equally to vehicles from those jurisdictions when they cross into one of the states or territories where the HVNL applies. In some cases, drivers may also need to comply with certain aspects of the HVNL before they cross the border (eg. work diary requirements).

(Credit: NHVR Website)

Netcorp GPS Provides An Innovative Solution To Help Logistics Businesses Manage Driver Fatigue Monitoring. This Allows Businesses To Make Real Time Decisions During Day To Day Operations And Better Mange A Driver’s Chance Of Driving In A Fatigued State. An Operator Can Monitor If A Driver Is At Risk Of Driving In A Fatigued State And Take Action To Prevent Potential Accidents From Happening.

Unfortunately in recent years the pressure of meeting deadlines has seen an increase in fatigue related incidents. In October 2018 the NHVR (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator) in Australia, has demanded organisations take the appropriate steps to ensure that they are not placing drivers in unrealistic deadline timeframes, thereby introducing the “Chain Of Responsibility” legislation.

The legislation outlines an onus on the operator to take appropriate steps to prove they have done everything they can to reduce risk along their delivery chain. This starts from the driver and ground level staff, all the way to Executive Management to ensure they minimise the potential of high risk scenarios that can place drivers and road users in a position of vulnerability.


Driver fatigue monitoring, should be placed as a high importance in the transport industry. Dealing with driver fatigue is a major issue battled by logistics businesses worldwide. Driver fatigue causes drivers to have impaired focus and concentration on the road resulting in a lack of reaction time when faced with hazards, posing a great risk to not only their own safety, but the safety of passengers, pedestrians and other road users. With this issue being one of the highest dangers to road safety, the industry depends on regulators to nominate minimum rest times for drivers to ensure compliance and safety for all road users including the drivers themselves.

Netcorp GPS provides an innovative solution to help logistics businesses manage driver fatigue monitoring in real-time, by monitoring the driver’s work and rest time. This allows businesses to make real time decisions during day to day operations and better mange a driver’s chance of driving in a non-fatigued state. An operator can monitor if a driver is at risk of driving in a fatigued state and take action to prevent potential accidents from happening.

Netcorp GPS has developed an “off-the-shelf” application that combines driver daily work diary time management alongside the monitoring of vehicle movement, that ensures a driver is proactively taking their rest breaks at the appropriate times and not “fudging” their rest breaks to increase their potential to drive in a fatigued state. Our system will prompt a driver at the appropriate time intervals for any requirement to take a rest break and warn them of any potential rest-break breaches prior to them actually occuring. All without affecting your productivity.

Alongside other integrated smarts, drivers cannot put themselves on rest break whilst the vehicle is in motion and therefore ensures that rest break data is not only captured and monitored in “real-time” but is also 100% compliant.

Netcorp has developed various methods that engage the driver at a minimal level but proactively monitors their various levels of fatigue.

In recent years there has been a heavy focus on implementing drivers aids to assist drivers in managing their rest breaks and ensure that operators and drivers adhere to the legislation as well as monitoring driver behaviour proactively to minimise the potential for a fatigue related incident. To keep drivers as fresh and alert as possible when driving, regular reminders need to be given to ensure at certain intervals that adequate rest time is taken at particular intervals.

Our vehicle telematics technology focuses on profiling trends in driver’s overall behaviour alongside driver fatigue by developing profiles for individual drivers and their good and bad habits so that logistics and fleet managers can proactively address training techniques and plans to further improve their internal processes. Accurate records of the work and rest hours of drivers will alleviate any difficulty complying with legislation.

Businesses who do not take the appropriate proactive actions are exposed to huge fines and even the possibility of jail time.

If you’d like to know more about our driver fatigue management systems contact us on 1300 722 127 for more information, or send us an enquiry via our contact form today.

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